A little homestead farm on the prairie

Peacefield Farm

Welcome to Peacefield! Our little farm in northern Oklahoma is a respite for rescued critters, hardy garden produce, free-range chickens, one idealistic prairie muffin wanna-be, one skeptical but soft-hearted curmudgeon, and any wildlife that passes through (except for coyotes, and gophers… and crows during pecan harvest!). Friends new and old are always welcome to share in our bounty or just the beauty of an Oklahoma sunset.

“I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.”

– Anne Frank –

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About Us

Rusty likes to present himself as an objective realist, but that goes out the window when there are baby goats to enjoy! Like most men with the opportunity to play with machinery he enjoys taking the tractor out for a spin, burning brush, checking fence lines on the four-wheeler, and serving as quality control inspector for Lori’s culinary experiments. Most weekend afternoons will find Rusty enjoying the peace of the farm, usually hanging out near a grill or smoker with his favorite beverage of choice. He is proficient at capturing compelling photos of many of these moments and has a hidden ambition of one day compiling them into a photographic coffee table book. JK… we’re not confident that there is a coffee table built sturdy enough to hold up the weight of a tome that massive!

Rusty also enjoys cooking, and is quite a culinary master. His mottos include “There is no such thing as too much rosemary” and “It turned out okay, but I think I’ll tweak it a little next time”.

Lori loves almost everything with feathers, fur, fins, a heartbeat, or chlorophyll. And rocks. And the ocean. Well, you get it.

Having always wanted to live on a farm, she is wasting no time taking advantage of the opportunities to learn and experience everything possible. One of her greatest joys is learning a new skill. Gardening, canning and preserving, herbs, raising chickens, rescuing and gentling critters, home arts, and enjoying nature are some of her passions. She is ever grateful to Rusty for his patience and cautious support (or at least not adamant objection) of her next project.

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.”

– Vincent Van Gogh –

From Our Farm To Your Home

What We Offer

You are invited to join us as we explore and enjoy the possibilities of life on a small farm. You are welcome to learn and laugh with us as we stumble our way along and hopefully find a few successes in our efforts. In any case, we can guarantee some great sunset and food photos!

Have Any Questions?

Get In Contact


Kremlin, Oklahoma, USA


Lori: (580) 603-1264